When the central layer of the eyeball becomes inflamed, it is called uveitis (red and swollen). The uvea is a layer with many blood arteries that supply the eye. Uveitis can cause irreversible vision loss by damaging essential eye tissue.
The sclera, which is also the white component of the eye, is the protective outer covering of the eye. It's linked to the muscles that allow the eye to move. The sclera covers about 83 percent of the eye's surface. Scleritis is a condition that causes the sclera to become inflamed and red. It can be excruciatingly uncomfortable.
Uveitis, or intraocular inflammation, encompasses a wide range of viral and immune-mediated conditions. There are two types of intraocular inflammation: acute and chronic.
Title : Subthreshold micropulse laser for residual subretinal fluid after vitrectomy in myopic tractional maculopathy?A randomized controlled trial
Zhang Xifang, Beijing Tongren Hospital, China
Title : Diagnostic uncertainty with a patient presenting with raised intra-ocular pressure. A unique case of choroidal melanoma
Raheel Faiz, UHCW, United Kingdom
Title : Hitting the trifecta-ocular syphilis
Lisa Sunny, Aravind Eye Hospital, India