Optometry is a health-care profession that entails evaluating the eyes and related visual systems for defects or anomalies, as well as prescribing glasses or contact lenses to correct refractive errors and treating eye disorders. Optometrists are eye doctors who specialize in primary eye care.
Ophthalmoscopy is a procedure that examines the retina, optic disc, choroid, and blood vessels in the rear of the eye (fundus). It's also known as funduscopy. It may be done as part of a standard physical examination or as part of an eye examination. It's vital for determining the retina's, optic disc, and vitreous humor's health.
Ophthalmic pathology is a laboratory-based science that examines samples acquired from patients in order to provide a diagnostic opinion to ophthalmologists and other healthcare professionals. Ophthalmic pathologists examine tissues extracted by ophthalmologists in order to provide a precise diagnosis. The infected tissue is inspected under a microscope and under a light microscope.
Title : Optic nerve orthograde axonal transport in abusive head trauma suspects
Minckler Don S, UCI Gavin Herbert Eye Institute, United States
Title : Eyes and guts connection: Microbiomes and their role in ocular health
Edward Charles Kondrot, Healing the Eye Wellness Center, United States
Title : Why was Leonhard Euler blind?
John David Bullock, Wright State University, United States
Title : Ultra-widefield protocol enhances automated classification of diabetic retinopathy severity with OCT angiography
Kasra Rezaei, University of Washington, United States
Title : Submacular haemorrhage due to wet age-related macular degeneration: What to do?
Tim Jackson, King’s College London, United Kingdom
Title : Developing resilience-based treatments for glaucoma
Simon John, Columbia University, United States