The lens is found in the pupil of the eye. The focus distance of the eye is changed by modifying the shape of the lens. To put it another way, it focuses the light rays that travel through it (and onto the retina) to create crisp images of objects at varied distances. Refractive errors are a form of visual issue that makes seeing clearly difficult. They occur when the shape of your eye prevents light from properly focusing on your retina (a light-sensitive layer of tissue in the back of your eye). Refractive errors can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses, or surgery can be used to rectify the refractive fault. The most prevalent type of vision trouble is refractive errors. Over 150 million Americans have a refractive defect, but many are unaware that their vision could be improved.
Title : Optic nerve orthograde axonal transport in abusive head trauma suspects
Minckler Don S, UCI Gavin Herbert Eye Institute, United States
Title : Submacular haemorrhage due to wet age-related macular degeneration: What to do?
Tim Jackson, King’s College London, United Kingdom
Title : Monovision cataract surgery made simple
Shadrokh Nabili, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom
Title : Developing resilience-based treatments for glaucoma
Simon John, Columbia University, United States
Title : Mast cells in infllammation: Role of cytokines
Pio Conti, University of Chieti, Italy
Title : A novel resistance sensing mechanical suprachoroidal injector: development and potential applications
Chan Zhao, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, China