A prolonged absence of lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye causes dry eyes. To maintain your eyes healthy, comfortable, and seeing well, you need an adequate and regular layer of tears on the surface of the eye. The condition of having dry eyes is known as dry eye syndrome (DES), also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS). Dry eyes can cause a variety of symptoms, ranging from minor irritation to severe inflammation. It may also result in scarring on the eye's front surface. Dry eye syndrome is a frequent ocular condition. Depending on the demographic studied, it affects 5–34 percent of persons to some degree.
Title : Subthreshold micropulse laser for residual subretinal fluid after vitrectomy in myopic tractional maculopathy?A randomized controlled trial
Zhang Xifang, Beijing Tongren Hospital, China
Title : Diagnostic uncertainty with a patient presenting with raised intra-ocular pressure. A unique case of choroidal melanoma
Raheel Faiz, UHCW, United Kingdom
Title : Hitting the trifecta-ocular syphilis
Lisa Sunny, Aravind Eye Hospital, India