Title : Prophylactic nicotinamide treatment protects from rotenone-induced neurodegeneration by increasing mitochondrial content and volume
Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is driven by mtDNA mutations affecting Complex I presenting as progres- sive retinal ganglion cell dysfunction usually in the absence of extra-ophthalmic symptoms. There are no long-term neuroprotective agents for LHON. Oral nicotinamide provides a robust neuroprotective effect against mitochondrial and metabolic dysfunction in other retinal injuries. We explored the potential for nicotinamide to protect mito- chondria in LHON by modelling the disease in mice through intravitreal injection of the Complex I inhibitor rote- none. Using MitoV mice expressing a mitochondrial-tagged YFP in retinal ganglion cells we assessed mitochondrial morphology through super-resolution imaging and digital reconstruction. Rotenone induced Complex I inhibition resulted in retinal ganglion cell wide mitochondrial loss and fragmentation. This was prevented by oral nicotinamide treatment. Mitochondrial ultrastructure was quantified by transition electron microscopy, demonstrating a loss of cris- tae density following rotenone injection, which was also prevented by nicotinamide treatment. These results demon- strate that nicotinamide protects mitochondria during Complex I dysfunction. Nicotinamide has the potential to be a useful treatment strategy for LHON to limit retinal ganglion cell degeneration.