Title : Occular manifestation in haematological disorders:- A study based on east Indian population
Patients with haematological disorders can present with a wide range of symptoms some of which can be visually debilitating. Visual prognosis depends upon the severity, chronicity as well as time of presentation. These can be divided two different groups, first one due to disease infiltration into the eye and the second one because of ophthalmic consequences due to blood abnormalities. Although ocular manifestation can have a sudden onset with a limited or a prolonged course, timely diagnosis, patient counselling and subsequent treatment is necessary for a favourable visual outcome and overall quality of life. Ocular manifestations can serve as markers for disease progression or relapse in haematological disorder. Monitoring changes in ocular symptoms may help in assessing the effectiveness of ongoing treatments
In this study we have tried to estimate the prevalence of each of the ocular manifestation of haematological disorders and characterising their epidemiology during the study period.