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3rd Edition of

International Ophthalmology Conference

March 10-12, 2025 | Rome, Italy

IOC 2025

Improving the quality of aftercare in patients received pars plana vitrectomy surgery

Speaker at International Ophthalmology Conference 2025 - Hiu Kwan Fiona Fung
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, United Kingdom
Title : Improving the quality of aftercare in patients received pars plana vitrectomy surgery


Introduction: Pars plana vitrectomy is a common surgical technique employed to allow access to the posterior segment to treat vitreoretinal conditions such as retinal detachments, macular holes and vitreous haemorrhage. NHS Grampian, as a health board responsible for over half a million people, have 3 highly trained vitreoretinal surgeons. The objective of this quality improvement project is to (1) identify patients’ concerns regarding post-operative care, (2) design interventions to improve quality of aftercare and (3) measure the success of interventions implemented.

Methods: Patients who underwent pars plana vitrectomy in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary between January and February 2022 were given a questionnaire to collect information regarding satisfaction of the information provided prior to discharge. The results were reviewed and a poster was utilised to communicate the results and interventions. Questionnaires were then provided to patients who received pars plana vitrectomy in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary between April and May 2022 to evaluate the level of satisfaction following the interventions.

Results: In the initial round, a total of 22 patients were identified and 100% response was achieved. The mean satisfaction level was 3.6 out of a full mark of 5. Areas that received the highest level of concern were inadequate information on the gas spirit level, eye drops usage and follow up appointments. Comments were also raised regarding the information on the patient lea?et not being up to date. Following this, a post-vitrectomy bundle was produced which included a customised eye drop administration chart, an aftercare information sheet that include positioning, gas spirit level and follow up appointment for that patient and a patient information lea?et. The second round of questionnaire was given out after the implementation of interventions, a total of 30 patients (100%) responded. The mean satisfaction of 4.9 was reached out of 5. The satisfaction has risen from 72% to 98%, indicating a significant success of the interventions.

Conclusion: This quality improvement project has successfully identified the areas of concern in the aftercare of pars plana vitrectomy, the post-vitrectomy bundle have shown to be a successful way to raise satisfaction in the quality of aftercare.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • Simple measures can significantly improve the quality of aftercare.
  • Post-vitrectomy bundle should be considered to be included in the discharge information.


Dr. Fiona Fung graduated from the University of Aberdeen, UK in 2020. She completed her foundation training in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary including a rotation in the Department of Ophthalmology. She is currently working as a second year general practice trainee in the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Board.
