Title : Dancer in the retina
Diffuse unilateral sub acute neuro retinitis (DUSN) characterized by progressive unilateral visual impairment caused by nematode infestation in the retina. Presenting a case where mobile live worm present in macular detachment and its multimodal imaging and management.
Case report: 41 year male with loss of vision in his right eye since 4 days. Vision was HM , no RAPD with early cataract. Multiple focal yellowish white lesions and worm very mobile was seen at submacular area with macular edema. OCT showed neurosensory detachment with mobile worm as hyperreflective material. OCTA confirmed the presence of worm in subretinal area. As the worm was in foveal area and mobile , patient was treated with combination of antihelmintic and corticosteroids and with laser. Patient showed improvement in visual acuity and resolution macular lesions.
Conclusion: Multimodal imaging may help to identify worm in subretinal area. Early management of DUSN helps to preserve the vision.