Pierdomenico D'Andrea, MD Degree in Medicine and Surgery -University of Chieti, 1983 and specialized in Ophthalmology, 1987, University of Naples. Works as Ophthalmologist. Expert in advanced ocular diagnostics (Confocal Biomicroscopy, OCT, Corneal Topography), refractive surgery, anterior segment surgery and Glaucoma. Collaborator at: Faculty of Dentistry, University of L'Aquila for the study of the relationship between Extrinsic Ocular Motility, Stomatognathic Occlusion and Posture. Institute of Ageing Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chieti for studies on the effects of electromagnetic fields on biological tissues. He is the inventor of low-fluence photobiomodulation devices
Title : Results of a photobiomodulation treatment in patients with macular degeneration age-related (ADM) with a new low-fluence, multifrequency wearable device: Positive medium-term effects (6 months) of visual function