Dr. John Bullock is a research epidemiologist, ophthalmologist, microbiologist, and forensic medical historian. He has had a distinguished career in clinical and academic ophthalmology, research, invention, and teaching. He has over 240 publications to his credit. During 25 years as a clinician, John cared for over 50,000 patients, performed over 10,000 ocular/orbital operations, documented 3 new causes of blindness, and elucidated the cause and/or description of 10 different retinal disorders. After an injury ended his clinical career in 2000, John turned his focus to epidemiology, mathematical modeling of infectious diseases, and medical history. He has published his investigations of the ten plagues of Egypt and the blindnesses of the Biblical St. Paul, Dom Perignon (the credited inventor of champagne), and Leonhard Euler (the Swiss genius honored by 96 eponymous mathematical terms), among others. He was awarded membership in AOA and Delta Omega (the Honorary Society of Public Health). He has been a member of the esteemed American Ophthalmological Society since 1983 and serves on the Board of Governor's of the American Osler Society. He was appointed to the Editorial Boards of 8 medical journals, including Nature (Public Health).
Title : Why was Leonhard Euler blind?