HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.

3rd Edition of

International Ophthalmology Conference

March 10-12, 2025 | Rome, Italy

Nursing World Conference 2018 | September 17-19 | Rome, Italy

Speaker at Nursing education conferences- Anne-Maria Newham
Anne-Maria Newham
Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust, UK

Title: Culture improvement and leadership programme

Speaker at Nursing conferences- Adele A. Webb
Adele A. Webb
Capella University, USA

Title: Building nursing faculty capacity in Africa

Speaker at Nursing conferences- Katie Boston-Leary
Katie Boston-Leary
Maryland Organization of Nurse Leaders, USA

Title: Healing the “I’m just a nurse” syndrome: How to keep the Nightengale lamp burning!

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Angela Cruz
Angela Cruz
West Texas Veterans Affair Healthcare System, USA

Title: Promoting A Healthy Lifestyle: New Start

Speaker at Nursing conferences- Larry E Simmons
Larry E Simmons
National League for Nursing, USA

Title: Pathways to certification in nursing education: The work of making the CNE® a global certification

Speaker at top Nursing conference- Sandra Almeida
Sandra Almeida
Auckland City Hospital, New Zealand

Title: Step to step guidelines for a nurse -led virtual clinic

Speaker at upcoming Nursing conferences- Gabriel Oluwakotanmi
Gabriel Oluwakotanmi
Hallmark University, USA

Title: Running a successful nursing education program: A comprehensive evidence-based approach

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Laura Croan
Laura Croan
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Ireland

Title: The contribution of the clinical nurse specialist in striving for excellence in health care

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Franz Porzsolt
Franz Porzsolt
Institute of Clinical Economics, Germany

Title: The Y-Nurse is the responsible quality manager of modern healthcare teams

Speaker at Nursing conferences- Jeri Burr
Jeri Burr
University of Utah, USA

Title: Innovations in clinical trials science

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Gretchen J. Summer-Gafford
Gretchen J. Summer-Gafford
Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, USA

Title: Small grants enhance collaboration and implementation of research and policy to benefit the communities we serve

Speaker at Nursing conferences- Virginia Pesata
Virginia Pesata
South University, USA

Title: Fear in nursing: Results of a cross sectional survey study and implications for nursing practice

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Amelia Nichols Alava
Amelia Nichols Alava
UF Health, USA

Title: Patient factors and outpatient pain control in patients discharged from a regional burn center with minor-to-medium-sized burns

Speaker at Nursing conferences- Janet Cat
Janet Cat
Kings College Hospital, UK

Title: Reducing barriers “A peer support model” improving access to hepatitis C treatment

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Dixie D. Thompson
Dixie D. Thompson
University of Utah, USA

Title: Clinical research nursing: Scope and standards of practice – how ANA recognition is elevating clinical research nursing at the University of Utah and at your organization

Speaker at Nursing conferences- Susan Peckford
Susan Peckford
Western Health Authority, Canada

Title: Pressure injury/skin tear program

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Pamela Morey
Pamela Morey
Western Health Authority, Canada

Title: Pressure injury/skin tear program

Speaker at Nursing education conferences- Mary L. Perrin
Mary L. Perrin
City of Hope National Medical Center, USA

Title: Role of nursing competencies in accelerating clinical trials in stem cell clinics

Speaker at Nursing conferences- Christy Vickers
Christy Vickers
Ohio University Zanesville, USA

Title: The value of a successful student-led service-learning experience

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Susan D. Dowell
Susan D. Dowell
Ohio University Zanesville, USA

Title: The value of a successful student-led service-learning experience

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Sheryl K. House
Sheryl K. House
Ohio University Zanesville, USA

Title: The value of a successful student-led service-learning experience

Speaker at Nursing conferences- Barbara J. Holder
Barbara J. Holder
Andrews Institute Ambulatory Surgery Center, USA

Title: 100 ways to improve your patient satisfaction

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Natalia Cineas
Natalia Cineas
Mount Sinai St Luke’s, USA

Title: Bath basin elimination: The use of bathing cloths to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infection in critically ill patients

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Marco Enrico Sguanci
Marco Enrico Sguanci
Polyclinic Hospital San Martino, Italy

Title: Nursing competence profile: A business model for an effective management of expertises

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Malliga Jambulingam
Malliga Jambulingam
Morgan State University, USA

Title: Self-awareness of civility among nursing faculty in creating a positive learning environment

Speaker at Nursing conferences- Marie Cameron
Marie Cameron
University of the Highlands and Islands, UK

Title: Student nurse career preferences in Scotland: Implications for the nursing workforce

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Amy Dopson
Amy Dopson
University of Surrey, UK

Title: Facilitating students’ confidence in dealing with challenging situations in practice

Speaker at top Nursing conference- Susan D. Dowell
Susan D. Dowell
Ohio University Zanesville, USA

Title: A role-playing simulation strategy to develop prioritization, delegation, and time management skills

Speaker at upcoming Nursing conferences- Christy Vickers
Christy Vickers
Ohio University Zanesville, USA

Title: A role-playing simulation strategy to develop prioritization, delegation, and time management skills

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Sheryl K. Housel
Sheryl K. Housel
Ohio University Zanesville, USA

Title: A role-playing simulation strategy to develop prioritization, delegation, and time management skills

Speaker at Nursing education conferences- Amanda. M. Whateley
Amanda. M. Whateley
Rainbows Children and Young People’s Hospice, UK

Title: Could we, should we, can we? Ethical dilemmas in palliative and end of life care

Speaker at Nursing conferences- Usha Daniel
Usha Daniel
National Maternity Hospital, Ireland

Title: Exploration of feelings of women towards a diagnosis of GDM & their emotional journey

Speaker at top Nursing conference- Jaya Kuruvilla
Jaya Kuruvilla
P.D. Hinduja Hospital, India

Title: Integrative practice model (IPM) for enhancement of clinical judgment skill

Speaker at upcoming Nursing conferences- Pura Julia Cruz-Oliver
Pura Julia Cruz-Oliver
Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, Puerto Rico

Title: The challenge after Hurricanes Irma and María to maintain leadership and quality in the teaching learning process of nursing program

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Paola Gobbi
Paola Gobbi
Nurses Board of Milan, Italy

Title: How to do educational on sensibly ethical issues with the senior nurses

Speaker at Nursing education conferences- Nancy Adrianna Garofalo
Nancy Adrianna Garofalo
NorthShore University HealthSystem, USA

Title: The use of oro-pharyngeal therapy with mother’s own milk (OPT-MOM) to protect extremely premature infants against infectious morbidities

Speaker at Nursing conferences-  Maria Alice dos Santos Curado
Maria Alice dos Santos Curado
Higher School of Nursing of Lisbon, Portugal

Title: The neonatal integrative developmental care: Research and training for a path of innovation and development of practices

Speaker at top Nursing conference- Mpoeetsi Makau
Mpoeetsi Makau
Ministry of Health, Lesotho

Title: A retrospective study on factors contributing to caesarean section deliveries in Maluti hospital-Lesotho

Speaker at upcoming Nursing conferences- Selda MERT BOGA
Kocaeli University, Turkey

Title: Senior high school students’ opinions and thoughts about nurses and nursing: A comparative study

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Rosalynde Johnstone
Rosalynde Johnstone
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, UK

Title: What are my options? Can i have a say in my future care? What will happen if I cannot speak for myself?

Speaker at Nursing education conferences- Jose Miguel Aguilera
Jose Miguel Aguilera
St Vincent’s Private Hospital, Australia

Title: Measuring the impact of three healthcare improvement frameworks

Speaker at Nursing conferences-  Kathleen Lehmann
Kathleen Lehmann
Liberty University, USA

Title: Does language matter? Implementing recovery language with a hybrid gamification - Coaching model to humanize staff and patients

Speaker at top Nursing conference- Nichelle A. Mullins
Nichelle A. Mullins
Charter Oak Health Center, Inc., USA

Title: The essential role of the nurse when treating patients with complex medical conditions at community health centers

Speaker at Nursing research conferences-  Julia U. Ugorji
Julia U. Ugorji
Rasmussen College Bloomington Minnesota, USA

Title: Mental health gap in Nigeria: A call for action

Speaker at upcoming Nursing conferences- Joanne Mee Wah Loo
Joanne Mee Wah Loo
Mount Sinai West, USA

Title: A multidimensional approach to achieve and sustain a viable healthcare delivery system

Speaker at Nursing education conferences- Renee Bauer
Renee Bauer
Indiana State University, USA

Title: Non-suicidal self-injury: Increasingly prevalent and misunderstood

Speaker at Nursing conferences-  Dean W Metz
Dean W Metz
South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Title: Outcomes of a community falls service after initiating interdisciplinary concurrent assessments

Speaker at top Nursing conference- Shaher H Hamaideh
Shaher H Hamaideh
The Hashemite University, Jordan

Title: Loneliness among inpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia

Speaker at upcoming Nursing conferences- Eva Manyedi
Eva Manyedi
North West University, South Africa

Title: Factors that contribute to attempted suicide among students in the Mafikeng area of North West province

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Agusta Palsdottir
Agusta Palsdottir
University of Iceland, Iceland

Title: Perceived barriers to information about healthy lifestyle and health self-efficacy beliefs among senior citizens in Iceland

Speaker at top Nursing conference- Charmaine Elizabeth Hassan
Charmaine Elizabeth Hassan
Department of Health Northern Cape, South Africa

Title: Knowledge, attitude and practices [KAP] of healthcare workers in the free state, South Africa regarding type 2 diabetes mellitus

 Speaker at upcoming Nursing conferences-  Elvessa Narvasa
Elvessa Narvasa
Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses, Canada

Title: Staying relevant in the age of medical robots

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Nazli Parast
Nazli Parast
Community Diabetes Education Program of Ottawa, Canada

Title: Making a difference in community setting

Speaker at Nursing education conferences- Ana-Bela de Jesus Roldao Caetano
Ana-Bela de Jesus Roldao Caetano
Nursing School of Coimbra, Portugal

Title: Primiparous mothers’ concerns at the first and sixth month of the postpartum period

Speaker at Nursing conferences- Bejoy Chacko
Bejoy Chacko
Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar

Title: Implementing lean principles to reduce the registration to disposition time in emergency department, Hamad general hospital

Speaker at top Nursing conference- Julia Maria das Neves Carvalho
Julia Maria das Neves Carvalho
Nursing School of Coimbra, Portugal

Title: Evaluation of the impact of a parenting intervention program on the parenting stress of a group of primiparous mothers

Speaker at upcoming Nursing conferences- Abdulqadir J. Nashwan
Abdulqadir J. Nashwan
Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar

Title: Nursing research in Qatar: Where do we stand?

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Maria Alice dos Santos Curado
Maria Alice dos Santos Curado
Higher School of Nursing of Lisbon, Portugal

Title: Parametric and non-parametric one-way multivariate analysis of variance with ordinal data: Power and type I error rates

Speaker at Nursing education conferences- Elif Bilsin
Elif Bilsin
Gaziantep University, Turkey

Title: Development and validation of the taste alteration scale for children receiving chemotherapy

Speaker at Nursing conferences- Selda MERT BOGA
Kocaeli University, Turkey

Title: Nursing practices in the prevention of post-operative wound infection in accordance with evidence-based approach

Speaker at top Nursing conference- Gulfer DOGAN PEKiNCE
Adnan Menderes University, Turkey

Title: Nursing practices based on evidence in maintaining successful breastfeeding

Speaker at upcoming Nursing conferences- Annelize Vorster
Annelize Vorster
University of the Free State, South Africa

Title: Alcohol- and substance use among nursing students at a South African university

Speaker at Nursing research conferences- Teresa Santos Boya
Teresa Santos Boya
Medina del Campo Hospital, Spain

Title: Patient’s anxiety: A challenge

 Speaker at Nursing education conferences- Coshiwe Matildah Makunyane
Coshiwe Matildah Makunyane
St- Ritas Gateway Clinic, South Africa

Title: Women’s perception of cervical cancer screening in makhuduthamaga sub-district, sekhukhune district, Limpopo Province

Speaker at Nursing conferences- Tiina Elina Lindholm
Tiina Elina Lindholm
Åbo Akademi University and The Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, Finland

Title: CHARIMUS ERGO SERVAMUS – Giving hope is to care and to care is to serve

Speaker at top Nursing conference- Helena Martins
Helena Martins
Portuguese Catholic University, Portugal

Title: Therapeutic touch at neonatology – Development a model for nursing practice

Speaker at upcoming Nursing conferences- Sanna Fabiola
Sanna Fabiola
AOU Maggiore della Carita, Italy

Title: Health education versus health promotion in the hospital
