Secretary of ocular trauma society of INDIA, Founder Director & HOD vireo retinal and ocular trauma deparments, Drashti Netralaya, Dahod Qualification: MS, fellowships vitreoretina Sankar Netralaya Publications: 117 publications(peer reviewed), reviewer 10 int. Journels Written chapters in 10 books- (lead author in 2 books) Images published(peer reviewed): 208 images of the week in American society- 4 Presentations: international-145 and National-1134 Field of Interest: virero retaina, ocular trauma and clinical research Education initiatives- have trained 46 DNBS, long term fellows 46 and short term 169, NPCB fellow-30 and BSc opthometrists- 121 Awards and Achievements : 26 awards including national eye health.
Title : Toddlers ocular trauma score –New predictive model for ocular trauma in toddlers